Dr Jasveen Kaur
Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist
MBBS (Hons), FRANZCP, Cert C&A Psychiatry
Consulting Days
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday mornings
Special Interests
Mood and anxiety disorders
Neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD, ASD)
Psychotic disorders

About Me
Jasveen enjoys working collaboratively with families, other professionals (eg other doctors, psychologist, speech pathologist, occupational therapist) and organisations (eg schools, education departments, workplaces) involved in providing treatment and care. She utilises a wide variety of assessment and treatment tools to facilitate optimal outcomes for her patients and their families. She adopts a flexible and holistic approach to treatment; combining a variety of treatment options for the best possible benefit of her patients.
Jasveen, particularly, enjoys working with young people and their families and did further training in the area of child and adolescent psychiatry. She completed her training and gained her specialist qualifications in 2013 and has been working primarily in private practice since this time.
Dr Kaur has admitting rights to Toowong Private Hospital and Mater Private Hospital. To obtain further information about facilitating admission to either hospital, please contact reception@etonplace.com.au.
Booking Appointments
*Dr Kaur is not currently accepting new referrals*
Ph: 07 3736 1268